Monday, December 28, 2009

scout farewell party !!

昨天仿佛大家都变成泪人了。昨天的确实很感人吧!先是玩了一些很恶心的游戏。嗯,因为相信这也是十七团的特色吧!哈哈!不多以形容,太恶心了.然后呢,当然也少不了水战啦!幸好我有多远就跑多远,逃过了他们的战略!!哈哈!!游戏过了,肚子也饿了,junior们说也是吃晚餐的时候了。那时觉得很兴奋,心想可能有好吃的了,走进den时,看到桌上摆满了食物,他们说那些食物都是junior们准备的。哪里知道我们喝的饮料是苦瓜汁,幸好我喜欢吃苦瓜所以不至于吐出来,不过真得很难喝!我们吃的炒饭也加料了,超咸的,就好像咸鱼那么咸!nasi lemak 也准备得很有“马来风味“,超辣!所以可想而知我们的那顿晚餐是多么的“好吃"........ 陆陆续续的我们的Ex-senior也到了,pn.diong叫他们跟我们分享一下他们的spm后的升学的事情。我真的觉得很可惜为什么那时的时间过得那么快,因为我还有很多东西想知道还有很多东西想聊嘛!

最感动的时刻终于到了哦!!当晚大家都聚集在礼堂及观赏junior们为我们准备的表演和slide show. 当晚的主持人是heewueivoon。所有的form5 scout leavers都必须被限3分钟站在台上说出自己的感像。很难吧? 可是没办法啊!唯有在没有准备的情况下说几句,好好享受一下站在学校台上说话给听众听的滋味,!!哈哈!!如果事先有准备的话应该有很多话我想说的,那感觉也不错吧?嘻嘻!!算了吧!老师也上台说了几句。Hee也说到哭了,jiayen 也哭了,包括honlin, yeesong, meijar, shukuan and so on .....不过哭的并不包括我哦!!厉害了!!
感动因为大家的热情, 不舍因为大家毕竟都在一起4,5年了,伤心因为不知几时大家庭可以再重逢。很感动吧!!大家都哭的要命!!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

vexation and enjoyable moment ..

vexation and enjoyable moment's ridiculous ??
my answer was definitely yes!!
it's vex because i have to decide what should i continue on my study. It's a damn knotty problem that i facing now after spm and need to make a wise decision finally and hope can make it as fast as possible and don't regret any more with that what i already chosen. And i realise that i don't have much time to really think about it because the up coming "stupid" national service going to "eat up" my time.

When i receiving the NS LETTER, there are many forms and some of them are necessary complete with the doctor's signs and verify or can say to take a very very basic medical check up... i personally thought that a troublesome and superflous..=.=
first waste money, second waste papers and the most angry thing is it's absolutely wasting my precious time cause it need to spend so muchhhhhh time on the government clinic. After spm, I'm rushing with my time. Rushing spend time on shopping, hang out, a lot of series or movies that i want to watch so much and i started to finish the story books as much as i can ..especially twilight, new moon and so really enjoy with it...the first time i damnably enjoy to read English story books. i admit I'm not even willing to finish a story book since i was in primary school. I'm very embarrassing to tell that...what a shame!

well... the second moment was the enjoyable moment for is having my coming soon Christmas in's hard to spend time to stay together with all my family members..before spm has started, i always went to the tuition center so most of the time i was the spoiler to spoil what had my family members plan every'm here to say "sorry" i'm very excited to celebrate the up coming Christmas with my beloved family.... actually celebrate Christmas is the second reason to go to Singapore and main reason is my sister's R.O.M....LOL...once she R.O.M., she will migrate to Singapore..then i will seldom see her...too bad....the problem is once she is not here everyday, there will be a less chances to help me to solve problems that i can't dissolve it...i seems bad, right ? anyway that was the truth but i hope she will have a happiness life when staying there, "sister!congratulation! hope u happy always..!!" it's hard to tell her face to face, so I'm writing here for wishing her ..=P

Yeah, finally wish guys can have more funs on this becoming Christmas!!