Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Benjamin Button

long time i didn't post any things here ..

now is the school holidays ..
in these days i eat, i play, i sleep, i dream..
before holidays i ask myself must do all revision for all subject..but i didn't achieve it..
but at least i wasn't do nothing la ...
now some of my classmate was at genting highland enjoy their time....
wish them have a nice trip...

yesterday i watched a movie ..name " The Curious Case of Benjamin Button "..
i like this movie very much ...may be because the actor too ..lolz
The story begins with... when Benjamin Button just has born and his mother was died.
He looks like an old fellow even though he just a baby. Wrinkles were deeply etched on his forehead, on his hand, his arm, his whole body ! his skin felt loose and leathery. his father thought he was a monster and abandoned him. luckily there was a kind black woman willing to raise him. the black woman treat him as her own son and Benjamin call the black woman as mama. when his was a child, he was practically bald. he just like an old uncle, sit in a wheelchair. he looks old. his action, his face, his body organ, seeming as a old man who has 80 years old but his heart, mentality was young! his mama meticulously take care for Benjamin in every possible way.


when Benjamin ages as a teenager. Benjamin met with Daisy. but soon after Benjamin went to be a crew of a ship, he went for cruising with his friendly captain. Every places where Benjamin went, sure Benjamin posted kad for Daisy.
many years have past, Benjamin met with Daisy Benjamin became younger and younger. Their love story begins

finally, Daisy was pregnant and a baby girl was born. Benjamin was worry because he knew tat when Daisy getting older, his daughter will growing up and he will getting youger. he worried tat Daisy can't bear for both of them and he don't want his daughter knew tat she has a unusual father as him. so he decided to leave and ask Daisy to find a new husband and find a father for
their daugther .. "
Brade Pitt looks extreamely handsome ..man !!"

Daisy was an old lady and she has a husband..Benjamin knew tat if he st
arter ay back, their relationship will become more complicated. so he left again.

few years, Benjamin was a smart teenager and he went back again to look for Daisy and his daughter.

at last, Daisy met Benjamin again. Benjamin was already turn to a child and he has senile dementia. he keeps forgetting things and forgotten wat had past through his life include Daisy. Daisy started take care of Benjamin. Benjamin finally grows as a baby and died. on tat time, Daisy ad was an old fellow.....

the end !!

i love this movie very very much !!

ya ...tmr will be the most busy day for me in this holidays ..cause in the early morning mum will bring my brother and i go to ride hot air balloon lar....i can't believe tat i got chance to meet with the hot air balloon and ride it.

lolz..awesome is it ?

in the evening i have to go to school to have fun for scout camping "malam kebudayaan" !!

have a nice day..buddy...

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